Tree Farmers and sign image
. Tree Farmer Alert

Friday, September 7, 2012
Over 700 readers and growing!

Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

Tree Farm Local Group image

Feel free to forward this alert to a friend.

New readers, if you would like to receive an email alert like this whenever new information about the pine beetle epidemic or any other content is added to our website, write stumpmaker@gmail.com and ask to be added to the Tree farmer Alert email list. It's free!

Be confident that what you do in your forest
will improve it's health and sustainability for future generations.
Become a Tree Farmer!

Tree Farmer of the Year Award Ceremony - Sept. 15

Dear Tree Farmers and Forest Ag Participants,

You are cordially invited to a tour, picnic and awards ceremony for the 2012 Colorado Tree Farmers of the Year, Jim and Vicki Norton, at their Tree Farm in Evergreen on September 15th, 2012.  We will be honoring John Davis as the 2012 Colorado Logger of the Year as well.

Location:    31762 Soda Creek Dr.

                     Evergreen, CO 80439

Time:           10:00 a.m.

Date:            September 15, 2012

We will start the festivities at 10:00 a.m.  on Saturday the 15th with a tour of the Norton Tree Farm and follow up with a picnic and awards ceremony.  Please come prepared for any type of weather and ready to honor the achievements of our local Tree Farmers and Logger.

Please RSVP to Lawton Grinter at lawton.grinter@colostate.edu, as parking is limited at the site.  If anyone can carpool, that would also be appreciated.  Please see the map on the back of this page for directions to the Norton Tree Farm.



Lawton Grinter


CO State Forest Service-Golden


Larimer County Tree Farm Picnic-Sept. 22

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to remind you that the Larimer County Tree Farm Picnic is on Saturday, September 22nd.


Take care,



Forestry Fair-Sept.29

September 29th 10 am - 2 pm Located at the Colorado State Forest Service on the Colorado State University Foothills Campus, 3843 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, Colo.



Aerial forest health survey update 4

William M. Ciesla Forest Health Management International 2248 Shawnee Court Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA (970) 482-5952 wciesla@aol.com

Attached is my fourth and final progress report on the Colorado aerial forest health survey.

Again, please feel free to pass this on to anyone who you think would find this of interest.
Regards, Bill




Got a question about your woods?

You can find the answers to many of your questions on our website, www.treefarmer.com, but that's a big place. If you get lost, write us and we'll help you find the answers.

We're your neighbors just down .the road, behind the green and white Tree Farm signs and we care about what's happening in our forests.

Send your questions to stumpmaker@gmail.com

Join Us if you would like to go on our tours, question our experts, or share information on forest ecology and forest management with our members


Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2012 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.
